These samples were not part of a larger project.
They represent quick informal solutions to small challenges where a stand-alone quick-fix would get the job done.
They represent flexibility and responsiveness more than formal process.
Problem: "Infill Scores" began appearing on staff reports for land use questions after the Fayetteville City Council created the "Infill Scoring Map". These scores were unfamiliar and questions about what they meant were appearing on social media.
Solution: I narrated this screen recording to show interested members of the public how to access the Infill Scoring Map on the City of Fayetteville GIS system.
I explain what the Infill Scores represent, and how to interpret them, and clarify it's intent at creation to dispel misconceptions that often crept into debate.
Tools: Screencastify, YouTube, ArcGIS Web
Problem: Pro-housing activists expressed frustration at missed opportunities due to the challenges keeping up with current development proposals as they make their way through multiple rounds of public hearings.
Solution: I began publishing a weekly summary of housing actions from the Planning Commission and City Council, including abbreviated summaries of the proposals, legislative action, and next hearing dates. For each report, I included a map to help readers conceptualize the distribution of project approvals and denials around town.
Tools: Canva, ArcGIS Web