Growth Center
Rezoning Proposal

Garland & North Tier 2 Growth Center
A Community Project with Fayetteville Strong

1970s zoning rules invite developments that under-perform the Fayetteville's economic and community potential. 

I brought together the long-range plans, parcel-level data, and my familiarity with the city's development codes to help Fayetteville Strong propose a new vision for this prominent neighborhood intersection.

In the process, we developed an analytical model that can be replicated across the City to prioritize implementation of the City's visionary Growth Concept Map.

Garland & North - Tier 2 Rezone

Interested members from Fayetteville Strong, a grassroots organization, came together with former Planning Commissioners and local small developers to envision better use for this corner at the gateway to the University of Arkansas.

Fayetteville's City Plan 2040, adopted in 2020, includes a Growth Concept Map that identifies this key intersection as a priority growth area.  The GCM has not been pursued in the intervening time, and the zoning in this area predominantly dates to the 1970s.

GIS services from City of Fayetteville and Washington County Assessor provide publicly available data including zoning, parcel size and ownership, traffic safety data, neighborhood equity factors, and infill readiness.

I used ArcGIS to quantify the residential and commercial density around the City's identified Growth Centers and to identify un- and under-developed acreage representing opportunities for (re)development.

Population growth projections drive the policies used to craft the zoning plan, with an emphasis on reaching transit-supportive residential densities and choosing zoning that enocurages mixed-use development.

 Key Project Features:

ArcGIS & Google Sheets meet public data help a community make the case for their vision of the future.

Garland & North Zoning Survey & Worksheets
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