Articulate Storyline 360
Parade Leader Orientation (NWA Pride)
This course helps group organizers get their groups ready for successful participation in the annual NWA Pride Parade by acquainting them with the registration requirements, check-in procedures, and event rules.
The 25-30 minute Storyline module is presented as the gateway to the on-line parade registration form, ensuring that all groups have received the same essential information prior to signing up.
Tools: Storyline 360, Vyond, Google Maps Studio, Amazon Transcribe, Midjourney, Canva, Figma, Audacity, KDEnlive
The course is awaiting final stakeholder review.
Pardon the water-marked Vyond videos,
which will be replaced on final approval.
Learners' guide a parade group through the process in a branching sequence of Vyond videos, receiving feedback about the consequences of their choices.
Animations timed to narration give learners a step-by-step tour to navigate the site layout and check-in schedule.
Fly-through video of parade route developed in Google Earth Studio gives learners a virtual view of the parade route before they arrive on site.
Illustrations are drawn from event photography from prior years, encouraging a celebratory spirit as learners are welcomed by familiar faces from the community.
Articulate Rise
Curb-Side Recycling (Fayetteville Recycling Collection)
This course is intended to be part of the account set-up process for new utilities customers to help residents master the peculiarities of Fayetteville's curb-sorted recycling collections program.
It adapts existing communications materials, mixed with new content, and integrates with the city database to create a one-stop source for residents to learn how to maximize all their recycling service options.
Tools: Articulate Rise, Canva, ArcGIS Webmap
Familiar web-based interface can be integrated directly into city website and web forms.
Light-hearted multi-media presentation makes use of existing video media investments.
Consistent intro videos promotes empathy by highlighting real city workers as the experts and letting learners hear from the people who do the work every week.
Interactions offer low-risk opportunities for learners to self-assess and correct their understanding.
Integration with city's GIS system allows learners to access personalized schedule information for their specific address within the standard course.