Curb-Side Recycling
Rise Course Sample
Client: City of Fayetteville Recycling & Trash Collection Division
Problem: The City of Fayetteville is a growing university town, with 10 new households arriving daily, and thousands of students moving out on their own for the first time. Paying attention to the rules for recycling isn't always their top priority when setting up services for their new home.
Contamination in recycling bins slows down drivers and degrades quality of service for the whole system. Rejected items result in customer frustrations that manifest in angry phone calls and social media posts to elected officials.
Goal: Improve driver efficiency and customer satisfaction by clarifying misconceptions of curb-sort recycling rules and schedule.
Audience: New customers when initially establishing or transferring accounts, and existing customers identified by route drivers as chronic compliance challenges. Target demographics are:
Homeowners and renters in single-family homes or duplexes.
25-50 years old
Accessible at 6th grade reading level
Learners are dual-stakeholders, both as rate-paying customers with an interest in maximizing service levels, and as tax-paying residents with an interest in cost-efficient operations.
Tools: Articulate Rise, Canva, ArcGIS Webmap
Familiar web-based interface can be integrated directly into city website and web forms.
Light-hearted multi-media presentation makes use of existing video media investments.
Character-driven sequence promotes empathy by highlighting real city workers as the experts.
Interactions offer low-risk opportunities for learners to self-assess and correct their understanding.
Integration with city's GIS system allows learners to access personalized schedule information for their specific address within the standard course.
The city's Environmental Educators have already created a wealth of content about the recycling best-practices, but they are scattered across various web pages and outreach campaigns. Additionally, the city's Media Services department has retained some older video shorts on their YouTube channel.
The goal in this project was to assemble a complete, but concise, understanding all in one package by blending the existing array of educational content with route information and policies. The focus is on the preventing the most common errors reported by staff.
Because Fayetteville's curb-sort rules are more intricate than single-stream jurisdictions learners may be familiar with, there are separate sections to help learners focus on recognizing commonly rejected materials, and to organize the accepted materials for efficient pick-up.
Client Documents
Based on the action map and topic chunking, the design document established the detailed content outline. Here, the focus was on ensuring a variety of appropriate interactions that help learners build their specific skills in distinguishing materials categories.
L2 assessment plan ensures alignment of immediate learning with the common errors, while the L3 assessment plan identifies existing and new metrics that collections staff will review at regular intervals to assess program effectiveness and guide updates and/or deployment to wider audiences.