Housing Action Reports
YIMBY Northwest Arkansas
The population of Northwest Arkansas is booming and housing development is lagging way behind.
As NWA's booming population and lagging housing development puts pressure on a growing crisis levels, a local YIMBY (Yes, In My Back Yard) advocacy group sprung up to support pro-housing policies.
I began a series of info-graphics and after-action reports to help activists visualize the impact of development decisions and anticipate the cadence of public meetings.
I began publishing a weekly summary of upcoming housing actions before the Fayetteville City Council and Planning Commission to share with the group. Each update included a map info-graphic and a summary of the proposal, potential issues, and expressed opposition.
After the meetings, I shared a recap with the actions and next-steps. Voting records are included so advocates can hold elected and appointed representatives accountable for their decisions.
Empowering regional housing advocates to speak up.
Key Project Features:
Clearly and concisely describes the proposed changes
Identifies pros and cons with minimal editorial comment
Links to source documents and staff reports for deeper reading
Illustrates geographic distribution and disposition of decisions with simple iconography to help readers visualize trends in their neighborhood
Motions, vote records, final outcomes, and future appearances are consolidated in one place